
Alumni Association is administered by an Alumni Committee. The alumni association is very active in promoting interactions and togetherness among the alumni, staff and the management.  The Alumni of RAA are helping the students in their project work and also about the employment opportunities in their respective organizations in India and Abroad. So, it extending its support to college to achieve its cherished goals, its vision and mission. RIPER Alumni Association (RAA) takes great pleasure in forming an active Alumni Network. The aim of this platform is to facilitate easy communication amongst RAA alumni and also provide an opportunity to reconnect with their Alma-Mater.


  1. To provide a platform for all its members to meet, to interact and to exchange views on various health care and pharmaceutical issues regularly.
  2. To foster and maintain interaction between the college and its alumni.
  3. To promote the academic and professional development of members through activities, courses, seminars, conferences and any other activities as the Committee may decide to organize or participate in.
  4. To conduct annual meetings of all its members for its scientific and non-scientific interactions.
  5. To aid and provide for, through the Association and in co-operation with other organizations, the promotion and advancement of graduates of the RIPER.
  6. To promote and conduct activities amongst the members of the Association and to accept any contributions, donations or any other form of payment for the purposes of the attainment of the objectives of the Association.



We the under mentioned persons in the memorandum have association responsible to run the affairs of the association desirous of registered under the public societies Registration Act XXXV of 2001.

S.No Name of the Office Bearer


1. Y. Padmanabha Reddy President
2. J. Raveendra Reddy Vice President
3.  C. Haranath Secretary
4. A. Sudheer Joint Secretary
5. K. Somasekhar Reddy  Treasurer
6. U. Veerendra Executive Member
7. B. Sahithi Executive Member
8. K. Kranthi Kumar Executive Member
9. Y. Samhitha Reddy Executive Member
10. k. Vinod Kumar Executive Member
11. M. Vijaya Jyothi Executive Member
12. G. Neelima Executive Member
13. T. Reshma Executive Member
14. P. Harinatha Reddy Executive Member
15. P. Dharani Kumar Reddy Executive Member



Functions of the office bearers:

  1. President: The principal of RIPER will be ex officio President of RIPER Alumni Association. He shall preside over all the meetings of the Association. He is the sole in charge of the association and he shall advice/guide on all matters pertaining to the administration of the association.
  2. Vice-President: The Vice Principal of RIPER will be ex officio Vice-President of the Association. He has to act as a President in the absence of the President. He co-ordinates with the President and Secretary in all aspects of the association.
  3. Secretary: He has to be elected by the general body of the association and shall be responsible for the functioning and execution of administration of the association. He is responsible to run all the business of the association. He has to maintain the records and documents of the association.
  4. Treasurer: He has to be elected by the members of the general body of the association. It is the responsibility of the treasurer to maintain the finances of the association under the supervision and guidance of the executive committee.
  5. Joint Secretary: He has to be elected by the members of the general body of the association. He has to help the Secretary in all matters of the association. He has to maintain the register of members of the Association.
  6. Executive Members: They shall assist the treasurer in collecting funds from members of the association in the form of fees, donations and gifts. They can suggest the President and Secretary in all other matters of the association.


Recent activities

RIPER first batch reunion was organized on 19.10.2024. The event was graced by Principal, Vice-principal, Alumni and faculty members. The event started with lamp lightening followed by several cultural events. Alumni members shared their memories and provided valuable guidance to the students of RIPER. The teachers were felicitated by the alumni students.


Alumni composition and function