Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (RIPER)- Autonomous providing wide range of courses in the Pharmaceutical field, which includes Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm.), Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.), Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.), Doctor of Pharmacy – Post Baccalaureate (Pharm. D – PB), Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharm.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.)
Diploma in Pharmacy (D. Pharm.)
The two years diploma in pharmacy course at RIPER provides an excellent pharmacy education which prepares the graduating students as future pharmacist, who plays significant role in health care system through safe and effective use of medicine, ensuring optimum outcomes in patients at all times. The D. Pharmacy course deals with fundamental knowledge regarding: biology, bio-chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, anatomy and physiology; and various steps involved in handling (dispensing and distribution) of drugs. In RIPER the teaching methodology is integrated which supports practice related and industrial related outcome based education.

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.)
Pharmacy education in India has undergone a paradigm shift in the last decades. In Raghavendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research the B. Pharmacy course addressees the gap between the education and industrial expectations, and prepares the graduating students with increased capabilities and competence through a well equipped curriculum which involves choice based credit system. The course also enables an experiential learning through an effective hands on training in collaboration with industrial experts. The teaching learning process in B. Pharmacy course assures quality which is ICT enabled.
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) & Post Baccalaureate (Pharm. D – PB)
Pharm. D. (Doctor of Pharmacy) is a course in Pharmacy which was approved by Govt. of India in the year 2008 with Pharmacy Council of India being the apex body governing it. This course was developed with an objective of developing pharmacists to play an important role in patient care as members of the health care team. Pharm.D is a 6 years program during which 5 years is academic session and sixth year is completely bound to internship in hospital. The course is as per AYC 2016-17.

Master of Pharmacy (M. Pharm.)
RIPER provide a thrust towards drug discovery and innovation, and quality health care through well equipped post-graduation courses, with excellence and research (industry and patient-care driven), enabled by distinguished faculty from industry and research organisation. The quality of teaching learning process is optimally maintained with a good teacher student ratio.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.)
The Ph. D. course work at RIPER is designed to prepare every student to make active participation in the development and growth of pharmaceutical sciences in industry, health care and research organisations. The course impart advance skill in the handling and operation of sophisticated instruments, and develops research oriental skills.